Creating a Brand Story for the Young Dementia Network

[Brand workshop / Concept development / Art direction]

Creating a brand for the ‘Young Dementia Network (YDN)’, that tells the story of why they exist and what they stand for. The YDN offers support, advice and opportunities by connecting people living with dementia, relatives and healthcare professionals.

 Following a brand workshop with key stakeholders from the network along with a patient advocate, the outline for the brand and its purpose was developed into a brand story and identity system.

Following a brand workshop with key stakeholders from the network along with a patient advocate, the outline for the brand and its purpose was developed into a brand story and identity system.

 Conversation ‘dots’ form part of the logo, representing the connections and conversations that happen through the network.

Conversation ‘dots’ form part of the logo, representing the connections and conversations that happen through the network.

 A brand book was created as a guide to utilising the brand assets – ident, colour palette, fonts and layout.

A brand book was created as a guide to utilising the brand assets – ident, colour palette, fonts and layout.
